content="Learn Taekwondo in the Birmingham area with A.T.K.D.A. - Sutton Coldfield - School of TaeKwonDo" content=" Whats on in Birmingham, Where to learn Taekwon-do, TKD, Taekwondo, A.T.K.D.A. - Sutton Coldfield , ITC, ITF, WF"
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls
Jockey Road
Sutton Coldfield
B73 5PT
Call me today 07773376633

A.T.K.D.A. - Sutton Coldfield


4.30 - 5.30 for beginners
5.30-6.30 intermediate
6.30 - 7.30 advanced

6.30 - 7.30 for beginners.
7.30 - 8.30 mixed ranks

6.30 - 7.30 Beginners
7.30 - 8.30 Mixed ranks
At our other venue
Streetly Community centre
Foley road east
B74 3HR

A tkd martial art TKD accademy for all whether junior or adult, as your training is specific for each even when working as a group.
Children / juniors get taught along side adults as no child is picked on or bullied by a child the same size, working with bigger people creates a better mind set and builds solid foundation of confidence.

At our martial arts school you get to challenge each other and reach targets so the better your colleague gets the harder you must work too.

Train weak be weak, train harder be stronger.

Quitters never win / winners never quit.

A lesson for juniors and adults to carry into school and worklife.

Using the ITC and the ATKDA you will find a martial arts school near you by asking near me.

Class Timetable


Sorry no classes on a Monday


18:30 - Beginners to blue stripe (60 minutes)
Main Gym

19:30 - Blue stripes upward (60 minutes)
Main Gym


Sorry no classes on a Wednesday


18:30 - Streetly beginners (55 minutes)
Front hall

19:30 - Streetly Intermediate (55 minutes)
Front hall


Sorry no classes on a Friday


Sorry no classes on a Saturday


16:30 - Beginners to Green Stripe (60 minutes)
Main Gym

17:30 - Green Belts to Red Stripe (60 minutes)
Main Gym

18:30 - Red Belts up (60 minutes)
Main Gym

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