content=" Regardless of rank or organisation, these sessions are open to any TKD degree grade. They cover patterns and training for gradings and tournaments, etc. Address: Liddington Village hall, Liddington, Swindon, SN4 0HB Dates: Sunday 16th April Sunday 7th May Sunday 11th June Sunday 2nd July Time: 5 pm to 6 pm 1st and 2nd Degrees 6 pm to 7 pm 3rd Degrees and above Cost: 1st and 2nd Degrees £5.00 3rd and above Degrees £5.00 or should you want to attend the first hour, both sessions at £7.00 per student. For more information, please get in touch on 07482 557736 or email Kind regards Peter Hewitt 6th Dan Founder PHTKDK Member Sovereign TKD Org TCUK/ITC Squad Liason Manager " content=" TKD, Taekwondo, ITC/TCUK Blackbelt Training with Master P Hewitt (VI) - Sovereign PHTKD, 2023-07-02, Events, ITC, ITF, WF "

ITC/TCUK Blackbelt Training with Master P Hewitt (VI) - Sovereign PHTKD

Regardless of rank or organisation, these sessions are open to any TKD degree grade. They cover patterns and training for gradings and tournaments, etc. Address: Liddington Village hall, Liddington, Swindon, SN4 0HB Dates: Sunday 16th April Sunday 7th May Sunday 11th June Sunday 2nd July Time: 5 pm to 6 pm 1st and 2nd Degrees 6 pm to 7 pm 3rd Degrees and above Cost: 1st and 2nd Degrees £5.00 3rd and above Degrees £5.00 or should you want to attend the first hour, both sessions at £7.00 per student. For more information, please get in touch on 07482 557736 or email Kind regards Peter Hewitt 6th Dan Founder PHTKDK Member Sovereign TKD Org TCUK/ITC Squad Liason Manager


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