content=" Pre black belt Grading sessions 2020 All on Saturday Afternoons. .2pm - 4pm 1st Set Pre Black sessions March 21st, 28th & April 4th 2nd Set Pre Black Sessions Sept 19th, 26th & Oct 3rd Location Bishop Walsh Catholic School Wylde Green Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B76 1QT To get to the GYM Enter the school gates and turn right, then turn right and follow the drive around to the car park and go up the steps at the far right side of the car park. £10.00 each for Non eCard holders £8.00 for eCard Holders All ATKDA Dan Grades whether grading or not are to attend 2 Black belt pre grade sessions in each set. Pre Black sessions are Open to all non ATKDA & ITC students wanting to attempt their next grade also " content=" TKD, Taekwondo, **CANCELLED** Black Belt Pregrading Training, 2020-09-26, Events, ITC, ITF, WF "

**CANCELLED** Black Belt Pregrading Training

Pre black belt Grading sessions 2020 All on Saturday Afternoons. .2pm - 4pm 1st Set Pre Black sessions March 21st, 28th & April 4th 2nd Set Pre Black Sessions Sept 19th, 26th & Oct 3rd Location Bishop Walsh Catholic School Wylde Green Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B76 1QT To get to the GYM Enter the school gates and turn right, then turn right and follow the drive around to the car park and go up the steps at the far right side of the car park. £10.00 each for Non eCard holders £8.00 for eCard Holders All ATKDA Dan Grades whether grading or not are to attend 2 Black belt pre grade sessions in each set. Pre Black sessions are Open to all non ATKDA & ITC students wanting to attempt their next grade also


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