content="Philip Millington-Downing, ITF Taekwondo, Verified 5th degree ecard from United Kingdom (UK) card number MPM000988" content=" TKD, Taekwondo, A - Instructor Qualified,B - Own School Instructor,C - Head of Association,D - Degree,E - Examiner,P - Referee part 1,R - Referee Qualified,T - Umpire part 1,U - Umpire Qualified,W - Instructor part 1,H - DBS ITC Checked,J - ITC Instructor Insurance in place,L - Basic First Aid Qualified,N - Member to Member Insurance,"

Verify an Ecard

You have requested to verify the following card MPM000988.

Here is the latest ecard for this ITC member.

Ecard Verification information

Name Philip Millington-Downing
Verification Card no MPM000988
Country United Kingdom (UK)
Rank 5th degree
Style ITF Taekwondo

Ecard FLAG information

A Instructor Qualified
B Own School Instructor
C Head of Association
D Degree
E Examiner
P Referee part 1
R Referee Qualified
T Umpire part 1
U Umpire Qualified
W Instructor part 1
H DBS ITC Checked
J ITC Instructor Insurance in place
L Basic First Aid Qualified
N Member to Member Insurance

Learn with this instructor

School(s) TSX BARNOLDSWICK - Keighley
  TSX BINGLEY - Keighley